APPAREL, SURGICAL BAMFORD detail Apparel for all your single use requirements, sterile & non-sterile. Introducing the "Duo Gown" fully adjustable isolation gown - one size fits all. Plus pre-made visitor kits. anti-slip overshoes, slippers, hats, scrub suits, warm-up jackets, OR gowns, face masks, aprons, arm protectors, briefs, pelvic V's, gloves.
DEFRIES INDUSTRIES New Zealand detail DEFRIES INDUSTRIES SURGICAL GOWNS & SCRUB SUITS Our single-use Surgical Gowns have been specifically developed for the New Zealand environment. Our range encompasses gowns for short & dry procedures through to high fluid & lengthy procedures. Our single-use Scrub Suits are comfortable & made from an easy to wear fabric. A variety of sizes available. Ideal for nurses in the Operating Room, ER Departments, GP Clinics, Dentists, Vets & Students.
EBOS HEALTHCARE detail KIMBERLY-CLARK GOWNS, CAPS For more detailed information on this product and our full product range visit us at
GLOBAL MEDICS LTD detail INCONTROL, QUIK-GUARD THEATRE CAPS, SURGICAL APRONS, OVERSHOES, OVERBOOTS CAPS: Non woven circular – white and theatre blue. APRONS: 1335mm, and 1560mm long. Also lightweight option, 1100mm long. OVERSHOES: A choice of polypropylene, blue and no-skid.
IN VITRO TECHNOLOGIES detail SEGETEX COVER SHOES Unlike textile products,non-woven SEGETEX cover shoes offer guaranteed hygiene and extra comfort for patients, healthcare professionals and patients’ visitors.0800 468 487
JOHNSON & JOHNSON MEDICAL NZ LTD detail DEPUY Sterile View "Spacesuits". Waterproof protection with DePuy Gowns, Boots and Shoe Covers.
PROTEC SOLUTIONS LTD detail SENTRY MEDICAL VERTEX® SURGICAL GOWNS Level 2 Basic Sterile non-reinforced surgical gown; barrier protection. Level 4 ULTIMATE surgical gown is made from BVB, a material that provides cool, breathable comfort (AAMI PB70:2012). Complies with ISO16603, ISO16604 and ISO6529.
REM SYSTEMS LTD detail CONVERTORS, CARDINAL HEALTH A comprehensive range of sterile & non-sterile apparel (gowns, masks and caps) for all procedures and healthcare settings. Guaranteed quality while remaining cost effective.
STRYKER NEW ZEALAND LTD detail STRYKER INSTRUMENTS T4 STERI-SHIELD Surgical personal protection system for Operating Theatre use. Hoods, toga's, helmets.
SURGICO detail THI VIVI New design exhausts CO2 away from surgical site. Full body suits can trap hot and humid waste next to your body. To keep your body cool, ViVi’s patented two-fan system pushes waste air through a filter out of the suit and away from your patient, making room for fresh air. A high performance air intake eliminates internal re-circulation of waste air. Breath 100% fresh, filtered air. Stay focused