8 Hospital listings
NEUROSURGICAL EQUIPMENT B. BRAUN detail AESCULAP Providing a range of high quality neurosurgical equipment.
C R KENNEDY NZ LTD detail TEKNO Phone us on 09 276 3271 or email: nzmedical@crknz.co.nz if you have a specific enquiry.
DENHAM TECHNICS detail Service & Repair of all brands.
DEVICE TECHNOLOGIES NZ LTD detail LDR Spinal Fixation LDR provides innovative products for both fusion and non-fusion spinal surgery. LDR’s unique fixation technology provides the surgeon with the latest advancements in fixation for ACDF and ALIF procedures. All the resources of LDR are dedicated to this highly specialised segment of orthopaedic and neuro-surgical markets.
DOWNS DISTRIBUTORS LTD detail RICHARD WOLF Downs provide a wide range of Neurosurgical Instruments. For personal service please
telephone 0800 800 234.
JOHNSON & JOHNSON MEDICAL NZ LTD detail STILLE Neurosurgical drill trephine and neurosurgical instruments.
KARL STORZ Endoscopy NZ Ltd. detail KARL STORZ A range of high quality fibrescopes and accessories available.
REM SYSTEMS LTD detail LINVATEC/HALL Ultrapower range of pneumatic handpieces & disposables & accessories. Complete systems available. E9000 electrical system with water-cooled high speed drill.