4 Hospital listings
MATTRESSES ARJO NEW ZEALAND LTD detail ARJOHUNTLEIGH A wide range of pressure sensitive and pressure care mattresses and overlay combined. Pressure reduction mattresses. Alternating Pressure management systems - Rentals
DOWNS DISTRIBUTORS LTD detail COOPER SURGICAL TRANSWARMER Single use infant warming gel activated mattress. Maintains temperature for two hours. Ideal to use in combination with Babypod Transport incubator.
Ideal to use in the delivery room or in the field for midwives. For personal service please telephone 0800 800 234.
INVACARE NEW ZEALAND detail INVACARE Softform Premier Range, Propad, Decapo, Icam Invacare distributes a comprehensive and innovative range of pressurecare mattresses. Designed for low to high risk pressurecare management. Foam, Visco Foam and Alternating Air. The Invacare Premier Glide is a unique mattress that is designed to conform to the profile of an electric bed. The Invacare Premier Active turns quickly and easily from a static to dynamic mattress enabling very high ris
REM SYSTEMS LTD detail ACTION USA Prevention of decubitis ulcers & pressure areas.