CANNULAE, NASAL CAREFUSION AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND detail AIRLIFE, CARDINAL HEALTH Full range of flared and non-flared adult, paediatric and neonatal nasal cannulae. Designed specifically for patient comfort and uniform air transport.
DEVICE TECHNOLOGIES NZ LTD detail PRO-BREATHE Full range of Adult, Child, Paediatric Nasal Cannulaes, Adult to Paediatric Standard & Elongated Oxygen Masks and Oxygen Masks with 2.1m & 3m tubing, Oxygen tubing 3m, 4.5m, 7m, 15m. Oxygen 90% Non-Rebreathing Adult/Paediatric masks with 2.1m tubing & reservoir bag, Nebulizerts 6ml & 20ml only, Nebulizers 6ml & 20ml with Tee & Moupiece, Aersol Masks Adult/Paediatric, Aresol Masks Adult/Paediatric
EBOS HEALTHCARE detail TELEFLEX MEDICAL HUDSON For more detailed information on this product and our full product range visit us at
FISHER & PAYKEL HEALTHCARE detail Fisher & Paykel Healthcare The unique wide bore Optiflow™ nasal cannula designed to deliver comfortable, accurate flows of oxygen to adult patients. Used with active humidification, the unique cannula can deliver nasal high flow therapy.
Also available, wide bore infant nasal cannula that deliver nasal high flow or low flow therapy to neonates and infants.
JACKSON ALLISON MEDICAL & SURGICAL detail TENDERGRIP - for all ages. Fixation to protect facial skin. Tel. 0800 333 103 for details.
JACKSON ALLISON MEDICAL & SURGICAL detail FAIRMONT MEDICAL Fairmont Medical’s Nasal Cannula delivers oxygen when a low flow, low/medium concentration is required. Available in soft or standard tips with 2.1 metre oxygen tubing. Nasal prongs designed for patient comfort.
REM SYSTEMS LTD detail SALTER LABS Wide range of sizes, premature to adult sizes. Microflow & high flow prongs with "Anti-Roll" feature.