4 Hospital listings
COLPOSCOPES DOWNS DISTRIBUTORS LTD detail LEISEGANG, LUTEC LEISEGANG - the Gold Standard in Colposcopes. Several different models available
LUTEC Digital Colopscope interfaces with Gynae Plus. It is portable and can be used for for forensic documentation of sexual abuse. Phone the team at Downs for further information 0800 800 234.
TRISTEL NEW ZEALAND LIMITED detail TRISTEL DUO EVE COLPOSCOPE DISINFECTANT Designed specifically for the disinfection of
non-invasive medical devices such as colposcopes and non-porous surfaces of medical equipment used in Women’s Health. It does not require electricity or water to do its job. Effective against microorganisms of concern,
including HPV, with a contact time of only 30 seconds.
TRISTEL NEW ZEALAND LIMITED detail TRISTEL EVA COLPO New equipment upgrade that allows for exceptional portability while providing quality images for the clinician to interface with electronic health records or print for paper records. The FDA-cleared EVA COLPO is a portable, internet connected colposcope that is as simple to use as a smartphone. The EVA System combines advanced hardware with integrated software to serve a variety of clinical needs