AUTOCLAVES BV MEDICAL LTD detail TUTTNAUR, TECHNO-GAZ SERVICE & REPAIR, ALL MODELS Service, Repair, Calibration and Annual Performance Qualification of more than 20 brands. BV Medical offers an energetic, flexible, and open-minded team ready to work hard for you. If you’re interested in working with us to provide the solution that's just right for you, please send us a message!
EBOS HEALTHCARE detail MOCOM For more detailed information on this product and our full product range visit us at
IN VITRO TECHNOLOGIES detail MATACHANA ED 21 MINI CLAVES Matachana presents the 21ED miniclave, designed with the latest technology applied to steam sterilisation. The new Matachana 21ED adapts itself entirely to the needs of a wide professional group: day-surgery clinics, emergency services, dental practices, beauty parlours and veterinary centres.
KEYPORT Medical Ltd detail PRESTIGE MEDICAL (UK) OPTIMA B, ADVANCE, CLASSIC, OPTIMA B Class Autoclave with Flash Steam Technology for high performance capacity. Type B cycles from 22 minutes. ADVANCE Vacuum and non vacuum models available with type "B" "S" and "N" Cycles. Complies with AS/NZS4815:steriliser. 22 & 16 litre models available Classic Portable Autoclaves Top loading 9 & 12 litre versions 126 & 134 degree versions available with printer option
OPRITECH NZ LTD detail CBM,, Dental-X, Hanshin Specialists in bench top autoclaves from 4.5L to 41L. S-class, N-class and B class cycles. Free standing models available from 80L.
New Dental Autoclave with 17min Class B cycle with printer. Phone for catalogue. We service and repair.
ZONE MEDICAL LTD detail Cominox Cominox 18 'S' Class Benchtop Steam Steriliser The 18lt 'S' class steriliser is just one in the range available from the Italian manufacturer Cominox. The 'S' class is designed to process solid and hollow 'B' instruments and is perfect for Podiatrist and GP's. The Cominox manages much of its own technology, is fully customisable has a short cycle time, vacuum assisted drying and a paperless recording option.