AUTOCLAVE TEST SYSTEMS DEVICE TECHNOLOGIES NZ LTD detail ALBERT BROWNE Combining the Bowie & Dick concept with TST technology. Monitoring time, steam and temperature. It is economic, accurate, easy to use, consistent, labour, time and space saving. TST Class 6 Integrators. Biological Monitors. TST Loadchek. Helix.
JACKSON ALLISON MEDICAL & SURGICAL detail PARASURE Comprehensive portfolio of indicators to monitor washing, sterilization and endoscopy reprocessing. Tel 0800 333 103 for details.
REGIONAL HEALTH LTD detail SULTAN AUTOCLAVE TAPE MM-1222 Test strip which changes colour when autoclave process is complete.
STERILISER SERVICES LTD detail STERILISER SERVICES LTD Series 2 steriliser controller that monitors and records all steriliser parameters to AS/NZ 4187 standards.