APPAREL, THERMAL GLOBAL MEDICS LTD detail MEDIWRAP™ ADULT PROTECTION BLANKET A low cost wind and waterproof high protection single use blanket, used worldwide for paramedic retrieval and disaster relief as well as hospitals, paramedic retrieval, disaster relief, fire & police services.
GLOBAL MEDICS LTD detail MEDIWRAP™ EMERGENCY AND RESCUE High protection wraps for babies; emergency/barrier bedding for ED & Field Hospitals; ambulance wraps & stretcher packs.
Comprehensive range of protection blankets low cost,single use; wind & waterproof paramedic; sleeping bags; survival bags to stabilise hypothermia.
GLOBAL MEDICS LTD detail MEDIWRAP™ SINGLE USE BLANKET Low cost, efficient, single use product that can be used in any situation requiring a blanket. Wind and water resistant, can absorb over ten times its own weight in bodily fluids and is radiolucent.
JACKSON ALLISON MEDICAL & SURGICAL detail THERMOFLECT Keeps your patients warm by controlling up to 85% of the body heat typically lost during surgery.
REM SYSTEMS LTD detail ZEBAMED Warming blanket for patient warmth during surgery & post operatively.