EXTENSION SETS B. BRAUN detail Standard and minimum volume with and without Safsite(R) needle free valve.
BAMFORD detail MEDIPLAST BELLOVAC ABT - EXTENSION LINE The extension line makes sure blood never leaves a closed circuit, which may be desirable for religious reasons. Recommended for use with Bellovac ABT a complete closed ready-to-use system with dual function for both autologous blood transfusion and standard drainage.
DEVICE TECHNOLOGIES NZ LTD detail VYGON Vygon www.vygon.com
JACKSON ALLISON MEDICAL & SURGICAL detail BIOMETRIX Various sizes and lengths. Can be taylor made to suit.
REM SYSTEMS LTD detail CODAN US & GERMANY Micro, Mini, Medium, Normal & Large bone sizes in variable lengths available. With & without filters, Back-check valves & needleless valves.
SMITHS MEDICAL AUSTRALASIA PTY. LTD. detail SIMS GRASEBY LIMITED Range of IV/Epidural Extension Sets, PVC, PE Lined, and PU with clamps and Free-flow protection.