BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORS APEX MEDICAL detail SUNTECH The vast choice of blood pressure monitoring options in the market can be overwhelming, so we have sourced what we consider to be the best technology currently available, whilst still giving value for money. Click on the side tab to see more about Apex Medical's SunTech product range or call us on 0800 469 633.
CARDIAC MONITORS APEX MEDICAL detail BRAEMAR INC CARDIAC EVENT MONITORS, DIGITAL HOLDER MONITORS, Apex Medical has teamed up with Braemar Inc. to deliver high-quality solutions in non-invasive cardiac monitoring. Our family of cardiac monitors has been developed with innovative technology that allows our customers to provide leading-edge cardiac monitoring. Call us on 0800 469 63
RESPIRATORY FILTERS APEX MEDICAL detail SUREGARD Most trusted bacterial and viral filter on the Australian and New Zealand markets for over two decades. 100% recyclable ‘Eco Friendly’ Polyproplyene plastic construction. Jaeger, MediSoft, Sensormedics, MedGraphics, nSpire, Easy One, Vitalograph, Thorasys & CosMed compatible. Employs 200gm Tech Electrostatic HyperGard® filter media, unlike clinically inferior filters.
RESPIRATORY MONITORS APEX MEDICAL detail BIRD HEALTHCARE, VITALOGRAPH Apex Medical has a range of specialist respiratory products from exhaled breath and gas monitoring to flow-measuring technology. We handle Birdcare and Vitalograph brands. Call us on 0800 469 633.
RESPIRATORY PRODUCTS APEX MEDICAL detail XEDA MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC AIRPHYSIO OPEP Average Lung Capacity Designed for most teenagers and adults who don’t have any severe lung conditions. This device has the potential to help slow down the progression and improve respiratory conditions like asthma, COPD, Bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, etc. Unless you have a severe lung condition or very low lung capacity, this version of AirPhysio is the recommended version for most people.
APEX MEDICAL detail XEDA MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC AIRPHYSIO OPEP LOW LUNG CAPACITY Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): inflammatory lung disease causing obstructed airflow. Symptoms: breathing difficulty, cough, mucus (sputum) production & wheezing. A device designed to assist management of asthma, COPD, Bronchiectasis and/or recovery of colds and 'flu. For individuals with low lung capacity secondary to age, respiratory muscle weakness or severe respiratory conditions
APEX MEDICAL detail XEDA MEDICAL & SCIENTIFIC AIRPHYSIO OPEP Sports/Elite Designed for people who are very fit with healthy lungs, but suffer from conditions like Asthma or COPD and may require the assistance of AirPhysio to help maintain optimal lung hygiene and lung capacity.
SLEEP DIAGNOSTIC SYSTEMS APEX MEDICAL detail EMBLA EMBLA S4500, EMBLA N7000, EMBLETTA GOLD Apex is a major supplier to the NZ healthcare market for Embla sleep diagnostic products, with a wide range of solutions including the Embla S4500, the Embla N7000, and the Embletta® Gold™ portable sleep testing device, the Enterprise™ Sleep Business Management System and choice of leading PSG platforms.
SPIROMETERS APEX MEDICAL detail MEDIKRO OY MEDIKRO® PRO State of the art performance in PC-based spirometry. Accurate and precise diagnostic spirometers with embedded ambient condition measuring sensors for automatic real-time BTPS correction. Pro utilizes the comprehensible Medikro® Spirometry Software (MSS). The system is a perfect fit for doctors, who require a precise spirometer with highly customizable software, clear visualization of results.