A.F.O. WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail Bodyworks - Bracewear Light weight Polypropylene A.F.O. Fits in standard shoe.
ABDOMINAL SUPPORTS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR ABDOMINAL BINDER, SACRAL BELT, PREGNENCY BELT Comprehensive range of sizes and materials. All New Zealand made.
ANKLE FOOT ORTHOSIS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Silicone Heel Cups designed to cradle the heel and absorb shock. The cup features a softer durometer cushion section to help relieve pressure around the plantar fascia
Metatarsal Cushions providing anatomical support.
ANKLE SUPPORTS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Bodyworks manufactures a comprehensive range of sizes and models of ankle braces, ankle open, lace up ankle, ankle stabiliser and shell.
BELTS, ELASTIC, LUMBAR WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR New Zealand made elastic pregnancy belts, sacral belts and abdominal binders available in stock and custom sizes.
BELTS, LUMBAR SUPPORT WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Semi-rigid lumbo sacral stabilisder, lumbo sacral stabiliser elastic back brace, lumbar neoprene and adjustable abdominal supports.
BELTS, MATERNITY WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Elastic pregnancy belts and pubic support belts.
BELTS, TRACTION WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR traction belts.
BOOTS, WALKER WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Bodyworks injection moulded Walker Boots available in three strap two strap and one strap, unique design where the weight bearing surfaces of the foot rest on adaptive areas of the colour coded sole. Bracewear Walker Boots fixed and R.O.M arm models.
BRACES, ANKLE WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Ankle stabiliser, open ankle, lace up stabiliser and hind foot lock.
BRACES, ARM WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Tennis elbow and padded elbow - universal sling with immobilisation and fracture braces
BRACES, CERVICAL WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Cervical collars, foam and rigid.
BRACES, ELBOW WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Neoprene padded elbow brace and tennis elbow brace.
BRACES, EXTERNAL WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR A comprehensive range of New Zealand made braces and supports.
BRACES, HIP WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Hip and abduction braces.
BRACES, HUMERAL WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR A moulded composite shell brace available in three sizes can be used with upper limb rehab brace.
BRACES, KNEE WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Neoprene, Air-X and rigid braces. Many models - front opening, range of motion. Bracing for arthritis, instability and post-operative, rehabilitation braces.
BRACES, ORTHOPAEDIC WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR New Zealand manufacturers braces, supports, immobiliser, T.S.L.O. and orthopaedic walker boots.
BRACES, R.O.M. WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Integrated composite hinge arms of varying length with lightweight bicentric R.O.M. centres.
BRACES, THORACO LUMBAR WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR T.S.L.O Clam Shell Thoraco lumbar brace semi-rigid brace for Thoraco-lumbar back pain. Inhibits flexion and rotation. These devices may be worn for several months following a fusion of the thoracic and/or lumbar spine until the fusion appears solid on X-ray. It consists of two pieces of rigid plastic and may extend from the armpits to the groin, depending on physician's specifications.
BRACES, TRAINING, PAEDIATRIC WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Paediatric clavicle braces and Osgood Schlatter braces.
BRACES, UPPER LIMB WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Made in New Zealand, the Bodyworks upper limb fracture brace and components offer an effective alternative to casting. Humeral brace and upper limb section with range of motion hinge
CAST ACCESSORIES WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Cast brace hinges.
CERVICAL BRACES/COLLARS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Foam cervical collars.
Philadelphia Collars
CORSET WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Corset and thoracic extension.
CUSHIONS, SUPPORT WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Custom and stock sizes support cushions
FOAM PRODUCTS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Bodyworks Healthcare stocks a wide range of neoprene foam and laminated foam.
FOOTCARE PRODUCTS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Ankle walkers, ankle braces and insoles and heel cushions
HINGES, R.O.M. WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Knee braces fitted with range of motion hinges.
IMMOBILISERS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Knee immobiliser, upper limb immobilisation, strap and fracture shells.
LUMBOSACRAL CORSETS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Semi Rigid, Lumbar Sacral Stabiliser and Lumbar.
ORTHOPAEDIC BRACES WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR For a comprehensive range of New Zealand made and imported braces, supports and immobilisers
ORTHOPAEDIC FOAMS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR BODYWORKS Closed cell neoprene foam and foam laminates and liners.
ORTHOSES WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Bodyworks braces supports, in soles and wedges.
OSTEOARTHRITIS BRACING WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Bracing for osteoarthrituis
PODIATRY ACCESSORIES & EQUIPMENT WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR, Bracewear Silicone Heel Cups to absorb shock and provide support.Insoles and metatarsal cushions
REHABILITATION AIDS/SPLINTS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail Walrus New Zealand Limited Xo Splint The Xo splint uses a combination of known and proven tone reducing principles to increase a joint’s range of motion, and change the tonal patterns .
REHABILITATION EQUIPMENT/AIDS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Extensive range of rehab and occupational braces and supports.
WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR A comprehensive range of New Zealand made supports and equipment designed to assist rehabilitation.
RUBBER ARTICLES WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Bodyworks can supply rubber sheeting moulded and fabricated products.
S.A.E. WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Spinal Anterior Extension. Comfortable, lightweight hyperextension on orthosis.
SLINGS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Universal size Montreal sling and universal sling with immobilisation strap.
SPINAL ANTERIOR EXTENSION WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Both rigid and soft T.L.S.O Spinal Orthoses
SPLINTS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR An extensive range of splints and braces both in stock and custom sizes .
SPLINTS, CLAVICLE WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Bodyworks provide a range of adult and paediatric sizes of clavicle braces.
SPLINTS, HAND WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR For a complete range of hand, thumb, wrist wraps and braces.
SPLINTS, KNEE WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Postoperative, rehabilitation braces, ROM hinges, Valgus force brace.
SUPPORTS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Belts, Pelvic and Traction. Also pubic support belts available in twelve sizes. Call us on 09 570 9316
TRACTION EQUIPMENT WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR Leg traction device.
WALKING AIDS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail Walrus NZ Limited Bodyworks 3 Upright Lengths. Bracewear Fixed & R.O.M Arm BODYWORKS Impact 3 x strap, Squirt 2 x strap & Ankle 1 x strap.All available in 3 sizes , wide fitting. Absorbent heel strike. Colour coded soles for quick size identification Green = Small. Yellow = Medium and Red = Large Replacement Socks available - New Zealand Made.
BRACEWEAR Fixed or R.O.M aluminium uprights,strong c
WRIST SUPPORTS WALRUS New Zealand Limited detail BODYWORKS - BRACEWEAR A full rang of R.S.I braces,supports & wraps for the wrist and hand and supports